842 Berne Street

Update May 19, 2016

On May 12, 2016 the City of Atlanta Zoning Review Board voted unanimously the recommendation for approving the rezoning of properties in support of the Z-16-015 application.

Video - City of Atlanta Zoning Review Board 5/12/2016, Applications Z-16-015

Update April 18, 2016

The Lawyer and the Architect for the developer presented updated renderings and site plans at the April SAND meeting.  The members voted to recommend approving the request for rezoning in a vote of 13 yes, 4 no, and 6 abstentions.

The Grant Park Neighborhood Association (GPNA) will be voting on April 19th and the final discussion and NPU-W vote will be held on Thursday, April 28th.


Update April 5, 2016

The developer has submitted an updated site plan.  Leaders from GPNA and SAND met on March 28th to discuss potential conditions to request of the developer needed in order to recommend accepting their rezoning application.  You can access the conditions by clicking here.

The architect for the developer will be in attendance at the NPU-W/EACA/SAND Land Use and Zoning meeting on April 5 at 7:00pm.   Beulah Heights University, Student Center – 892 Berne Street Southeast, Atlanta, GA 30316

Updated, April 5, 2016

Updated, April 5, 2016

Update: March 11, 2016

The lawyer for fro the developer present information about the developer's plans to SAND on March 10.  Following the presentation, residents took some time to identify concerns, desires, and assets regarding the development.  A summary of these results is available here.  Please utilize the comment section below if you have additional items you would like to have added to the list. This information will be provided to the developer.  

The next steps are as follows:

SAND’s Land Use and Zoning (LUZ) vote will occur at the combined NPU-W/EACA/SAND LUZ meeting on April 5

Grant Park Neighborhood Association (GPNA)'s Land Use and Zoning (LUZ) vote will occur at their LUZ meeting on April 7

That SAND LUZ recommendation will be presented to the SAND body at the general meeting on the 14th. At that meeting the body will vote to support or not support the SAND LUZ recommendations... or to make a new motion.

The GPNA LUZ recommendation will be presented to the GPNA body at the general meeting on the 19th. At that meeting the body will vote to support or not support the GPNA LUZ recommendations... or to make a new motion.

The recommendation that comes out of the SAND general meeting will be presented at the NPU-W meeting on April 27, along with GPNA’s recommendation. At the NPU-W meeting we will vote to recommend to accept, deny, or defer the rezoning application. To be eligible to vote at the NPU meeting you have to attended at least 3 meetings in the last 12 months.


Stephen Rotmanon behalf of Lafarge Building Materials, Inc submitted an application for rezoning to the City of Atlanta Office of Planning on March 1, 2016 for properties located at 832, 838, 842 Berne Street and 827, 831, 835, 837 Killian Street from R5, I-2, I-2, BeltLine to MRC-3 Beltline.