Services & Utilities
Our growing list of commonly needed or requested contact information for agencies and utilities servicing the neighborhoods of SAND.
Animal Control
Dog bites, injured animals, cruelty to animals, dog/cock fighting, loose animals, welfare checks, license/rabies vaccination violations. 404.613.0358
Official Site
Building Permit Information
Arborist, Business Licenses, Building Permits, Inspections, Records Request, Permit Issuance, Plan Review, Signs, Trade Permits, etc. 404.330.6150
Official Site
Code Enforcement
Inspection/enforcement of residential & commercial properties. Housing Code, Graffiti, etc. 404.546.3800
Official Site
Electricity Outage, Check
Online map of current outages, service interruptions and estimated restoration time. 888.891.0938
Official Site
Electricity Outage, Report
Hazardous or life-threatening situations should be reported to 911 instead! 888.891.0938
Official Site
Natural Gas Providers
The following marketers are certified by the Georgia Public Service Commission to sell natural gas services in the state of Georgia.Parks & Recreations
Park maintenance requests, requests for inspection of a City-owned trees, etc 404.546.6788
Official Site
Police Department (Non-Emergency)
Atlanta Zone 6 Precinct. For emergencies, please call 911. 404.546.5700 (Zone 6, Depart.)
404.371.5002 (Zone 6, Lt. Ryan) (Zone 6, Lt. Ryan)
Official Site
Public Works (Transportation)
To report traffic problems such as malfunctioning traffic lights or potholes please call 311. After hours, please call 404.227.3520. 311 / 404.330.6240
Official Site
Solid Waste Services
Collection of solid waste, bulk rubbish, yard trimming collection, dead animal removal, trash/recycling bin inquiries. 311 / 404.330.6240
Official Site
Recycling Site
CHaRM Facility
Utility Marking (Call Before You Dig)
811 is the phone number you call before digging to protect yourself and others from unintentionally hitting underground utility lines. 811
Official Site
Vacant Property Registration
Registering non-rental, vacant properties after 30 days. 404.546.3800
Official Site
Watershed Management (Water & Sewage)
Drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, stream bank stabilization, flood prevention, erosion control, land development regulation 311 / 404.546.0311
Official Site