Proposed Transportation Committee Recommendations for August
The Transportation Committee has proposed that SAND vote on the following recommendations. If SAND approves these measures then they will be sent to NPU-W for consideration, which if approved would require the City to consider it and render an opinion and/or act.
Glenwood Ave. SE truck traffic restrictions
That Glenwood Ave. SE, between Moreland Ave. SE and Bill Kennedy Way SE be designated as a restricted local truck freight route with a weight limit of 18 tons and a truck length limit of 35 feet with the exception of those vehicles that possess a legitimate bill of lading requiring access to Glenwood Ave. or immediately adjacent streets or sites and the vehicles currently serving the Argos concrete plant as currently owned and operated.
Moreland Ave/Glenwood Ave Intersection realignment project
1) That the City of Atlanta acquire an additional amount of property along Glenwood Ave. SE on both sides of Moreland Ave. SE so that adequate right of way is available to provide dedicated and unimpeded bike lane capacity and retain currently proposed streetscape improvements. It is recommended that a total amount of apx. 1,000 sq. Ft. of additional ROW (apx. 200' long x 5' wide) would be the minimal amount of additional ROW property required.
2) That within the context and work plan for this project, an appropriate amount of funding for expanded sidewalk repair and replacement along Moreland Ave. SE be allocated from the 'city-wide' portion of the Atlanta Infrastructure Bond Fund line item known as 'city-wide sidewalk repair and replacement' for repairs to sidewalks extending south on both sides of Moreland Ave SE from Glenwood Ave. SE to Ormewood Ave SE..
3) That all streetscape fixtures, fittings and facilities to be installed within the context of this project meet or exceed current City of Atlanta complete streets design standards and criteria.