Beltline Network hosting Community Forum on Developing the SE Beltline Corridor
Wednesday, November 4, 6:00-7:30PM
Zoo Atlanta, Ford Conservation Room, 800 Cherokee Avenue SE
The BeltLine Network is organizing a community forum focused on the Southeast BeltLine Corridor and the surrounding communities. This forum will be open to the public and input will be invited during the gathering.
What are the plans and timeline for developing the Southeast Corridor of the Atlanta BeltLine? What are the aspirations of various stakeholders in its development? What are the shared goals for realizing the SE Corridor?
Beth McMillan, Community Planning & Engagement Director, Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. will provide updates on the plan to be followed by a panel representing diverse interests in these topics will share information and perspectives on planned, anticipated and envisioned development of the SE Corridor of the Atlanta BeltLine.
Brandon Tidwell (, SE Atlanta BeltLine Committee of NPU-W
Jim Williamson, Vice-President, Chosewood Park Neighborhood Association
Lee Harrop, Program Management Officer, Atlanta BeltLine, Inc.
John Reagan, Architect, Urban Realty Partners
Neil Carver, Artist and Sculptor, Carver Iron
See the Facebook event page here:
The BeltLine Network is an alliance of individuals and organizations working to ensure the BeltLine lives up to its vision to connect Atlanta and its citizens through transit, trails, parks and economic development. The BeltLine Network convenes diverse organizations and experts to facilitate discussion and create an environment for positive dialog as a collaborative, influential voice on the BeltLine project.
Please contact Liz Coyle at for more information.