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2018 Fall SAND & Trolley Patrol Yardsale

SAND Atlanta & Trolley Patrol are excited to announce a community yard sale on Saturday, September 22, 2018 from 9 am - 2 pm. This year’s yard sale is graciously sponsored by Chelsea Sommers, Realtor of Red Robin Realtors®.

Interested in selling items this year? Please register at and complete your $15 registration fee. Sellers will be promoted on the yard sale map on SAND’s website (this map will be posted within two weeks of the event) and a sale sign will be placed in your yard to notify neighbors of your participation.

Please register by Wednesday, September 19, 2018. Registration will be closed following that day. All selling participants will be proudly displayed on the Community Yard Sale map with a brief description of items that will be sold. SAND & Trolley Patrol will be displaying the yard sale map on our websites, social media pages, email marketing campaigns, and we’ll include a print out of the map at our September SAND Full Body Meeting on September 13.

Proceeds will be shared amongst SAND and Trolley Patrol to further their organization's respective missions and for year-end goals, including doubling our visibility and patrol hours during the holiday season, Woodland Ave Halloween Street Closure, and holiday potluck.

Earlier Event: September 18
GPNA Meeting
Later Event: September 25
The Porch Press Submission Deadline