Georgia Hill Library Branch 2015 Summer Programs
Superhero’s Summer Reading Kickoff Event
Tuesday, June 2. 11:00 a.m
Help us celebrate the start of summer and the summer reading program by joining us for a special children’s superhero story time. Kids come dressed in your favorite superhero costume.
Be a Butterfly Hero: Help save the Monarch Butterfly
Tuesday, June 9. 11:00 a.m
Becky Griffin, an Urban Program Associate for UGA's Center for Urban Agriculture, will present a program on Monarch butterflies. Children will learn what makes the Monarch butterfly so special and what they can do to providea safe habitat for them. Did you know that Monarch butterflies can migrate up to 2,000 miles? Did you also know Monarch butterflies visit very specific plants? The Monarch butterfly population has plummeted so much that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service now believes there might be reason to protect them under the Endangered Species Act. Be a hero, come and learn how to help the Monarch butterfly. We will participate in a Monarch butterfly craft and also explore other Georgia butterflies.
Beer 101
Saturday, June 13. 1:00 p.m
This workshop focuses on beer basics and is ideal for people who are new to the world of craft beer. This session typically covers the following topics: The history of beer; the brewing process; beer styles; beer terminology; and a beer tasting “How To” in four basic steps. Beer will not be served at this program. Adults. Reservations required.
The Writers Space: Join us as we create the time & space for the writer in you to learn and grow
Monday, June 15. 12:00 p.m
Experience basic approaches that engage and support your writing processes.
Writers at all levels of development and in all genres are welcome. Award winning writer and teaching artist Sandra Hughes is the presenter.
Tuesday, June 16, 11:00 a.m.
Ages 3-6. Mayors Summer Reading Club Program
Lifecycle of butterflies, dragonflies, caterpillars
Wednesday, June 17. 1:00 p.m
Children will hear about butterflies in their various life cycle stages. Crafts include a caterpillar made of pipe cleaners and an adult butterfly made from coffee filters and clothes pins. Vocabulary learned by the children for this program will be life cycle, habitat, host plant, metamorphosis, and chrysalis.
Unmask the Artist in you with Mr. Funn
Tuesday, June 23. 11:00 a.m
Come create your own comic book poster.
Ages 3-6.
Studio Class: Superfood – The Vegan No Bake Experience
Thursday, June 25. 2:30 p.m
This studio will encourage students to reach for carrots instead of candy by exposing children to easy, simple recipes that they can make on their own.
K- 5th Grade. Reservations required. Class size is limited.
Herbs and Edibles
Friday, June 26. 12:00 p.m
Nothing tastes quite as good as fresh, homegrown herbs, fruits and vegetables to spruce up a meal. Not only do home-grown edibles taste better, they can also save shoppers money at the grocery store. Mickey Gazaway with Pike’s Nursery will discuss how to grow delicious and fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs at home. This program will include step-by-step instructions to teach attendees how to plant and care for home-grown edibles, which edible plants thrive in the Southeast; and how to incorporate these plants into your landscape.
Exploring Proper Glassware
Saturday, June 27.1:00 p.m
Believe it or not, the glass you use to enjoy your favorite beer really does matter! Brewers put a lot of work into their products, and glassware is meant to showcase beer’s beauty. This session will explore: The appropriate glassware for several different beer styles; proper pouring techniques; beer glassware upkeep and maintenance. Beer will not be served at this program. Adults. Reservations required.
UGA Insect Zoo
Tuesday, June 30. 11:00 a.m.
Come touch and observe up-close real live insects, centipedes, millipedes, scorpions, crickets, roaches, and spiders as well as museum specimens from Georgia and other parts of the world. Other activities will include roach races, beetle tractor pulls, cricket spitting, the wheel of insect trivia, insect hula and live and preserved insect specimens. The University of Georgia Insect Zoo hopes to teach children and adults how to appreciate insects and understand their importance in our lives.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: A National and Local Perspective
Wednesday, July 8. 1:00 p.m
Do you know how many grandparents are raising their grandchildren? Do you know the special issues they face? This program will provide an overview of the prevalence of grandparents raising grandchildren from a national and local perspective and discuss the challenging issues facing these families. You’ll learn about Georgia State University’s Project Healthy Grandparents program, which was developed to provide support for such families and to improve health outcomes for both the grandparents and grandchildren.
Want to “Bee a Hero”
Tuesday, July 14.11:00 a.m
Honeybees are one of nature's wonders. What other creature do you know that lives with a group of 60,000 of its sisters,pollinatesmanyofthefoodcropsweeat,andfliesuptothreemilestocollectnectar? Onlythehoneybee! Everyone can be a hero for honeybees by adding plants that are bee-friendly to a home garden or landscape. Becky Griffin, an Urban Program Associate for UGA's Center for Urban Agriculture will present a program on honeybees and beekeeping. We will see and try on the equipment that beekeepers use, learn about planting bee friendly plants, taste honey, and learn fun facts about honeybees.
Fears in the Outdoors
Wednesday, July 15. 1:00 p.m
A discussion about common fears in the outdoors, bees, poison ivy, snakes, wild animals, etc. will take
place. Children will learn ways to avoid dangerous situations and about the benefits provided by the objects of their fears. Crafts will include making a hanging snake mobile. Vocabulary learned by the children for this program will be pollinator, habitats, responsibility, beneficial.
How to Navigate the Information Maze to Access Evidence-based Disaster Preparedness Information
Thursday, July 16. 12:00 p.m – 4:00 p.m
Attendees will identify and evaluate authoritative sources of disaster preparedness information, locate information using databases, websites; download, organize and use disaster apps. This course will also cover National Library of Medicine disaster health information and other emergency preparedness resources for community educators, families, friends and caregivers.
This or That: Craft Alternatives to Big Beer Brands
Saturday, July 18. 1:00 p.m
Ready to make the transition from common beer to craft beer? This session is ideal for anyone who’s ready to move from drinking ‘big’ beer brands to smaller batch craft beers. This session will explore: An understanding of popular ‘big’ brands such as Budweiser, Corona and Heineken, including flavor profiles, aroma and other attributes for these popular styles; an overview of the craft brewing industry; an introduction to a few craft beer alternatives to these popular ‘big’ beer brands; and what makes them unique while also being similar. Beer will not be served at this program. Adults. Reservations required.
ArchaeoBus: Georgia’s Mobile Archaeology Classroom
Tuesday, July 21. 11:00 a.m – 12:30p.m
Come and learn about Georgia’s archaeology and preservation in a fun and interactive way. Children k-8 will learn what archaeologists do in their profession and how they observe and study historic facts. Kids will explore exhibits inside the ArcheoBus peeking through telescopes; they will look through googles to see what an underwater archaeological site looks like; learn how archaeologists piece together artifacts they find; and observe how archaeologists look at plant material and determine characteristics about its past. Posters, brochures, and a list of Georgia archaeological sites to plan for potential visits will also be provided.
Yay! It’s National Ice Cream Month
Wednesday, July 22. 1:00 p.m
I scream. You scream. We all scream for ice cream during National Ice Cream Month. Get out of the heat and have a bit of ice cream on us. Come learn about the National designation, ice cream resources, and enjoy tasty samples from Honeysuckle Gelato & Sorbet.
How to Host Your Own At Home Beer Tasting
Saturday, August 1. 1:00 p.m
Beer tasting parties are a great way to explore new brews with friends. In just a few steps, you can be ready to host your own! This session will explore: A beer tasting “How To” in four basic steps; overview of what’s needed to host a beer tasting event; a review of online free resources; and ideas for fun tasting themes. Beer will not be served at this program. Adults. Reservations required.
Yoga Laughter
Wednesday, August 5. 12:00 p.m
Laugh your way to health and wholeness through "laughter and breathing" exercises designed to keep you laughing without jokes. “Laughter for Health” with Josie is the most fun you will ever have in an exercise class while you enjoy the naturally built in benefits of deep breathing, rhythmic movement and laughing. Join us at “Laughter for Health” and get a good cardio workout while having fun!
Habitats: beavers & great blue herons
Thursday, August 6. 1:00 p.m
Children will learn about the four components of a habitat food, water, shelter, space. Discussion will be centered on how animals find what they need to survive and thrive. Crafts will include the beaver mask and the great blue heron hat. The vocabulary learned by the children for this program will be habitat, pollution, and natural.
Home brewing for Beginners
Saturday, August 15. 1:00 p.m
Have you ever wanted to get into home brewing but just didn’t know where to begin? Well we’ve already done the guesswork! This session will explore: Home brewing basics including helpful hints and tips; equipment needs for a basic home brewing set up; and picking the right ingredients for your preferred style. Beer will not be served at this program. Adults. Reservations required.
All Events are held at:
Georgia Hill Branch, a part of the Atlanta Fulton-Public Library System
250 Georgia Avenue, Atlanta 30312
For more information call 404.730.5427