

ACMS - Atlanta Charter Middle School

APAB - Atlanta Planning and Advisory Board

APD - Atlanta Police Department

APS - Atlanta Public Schools

BOHO - Boulevard Heights Organization

BOLO - Be on the lookout

CDC - Community Development Corp. (SouthStar)

EABA - East Atlanta Business Assoc.

EABF - East Atlanta Beer Fest

EACA - East Atlanta Community Assoc.

EAV - East Atlanta Village

FEAL - Friends of East Atlanta Library

GPNA - Grant Park Neighborhood Assoc.

LRB - License Review Board

LUZ - Land Use & Zoning

NCS - Neighborhood Charter School

NOPCA - North Ormewood Park Community Assoc.

NPU - Neighborhood Planning Unit

NPU-W - the NPU composed of Grant Park, EACA, SAND

SAND - South Atlantans for Neighborhood Development

SEABA - SE Atl Business Association

SPLOST - Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax

ZONE 6 - SAND's APD zone

ZRB - Zoning and Review Board